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With the storm last Sunday evening, the Parish office carport sustained a little damage. One of the upright support posts had been lifted from its moorings and plonked about five inches away. (I thought a good Samaritan had come in and propped it up for us, but no, apparently the miracle of nature can accomplish such deeds herself.) Trevor has staked the post, until he returns next week, when he will set it in concrete and reinforce a few of the other beams. He also noticed the wooden lintels (I might have the wrong terminology there) around the roller door of the original garage were dropping. Di has come and performed her magic on the grounds, which were strewn with hefty branches and debris. All looks pretty good. Busselton Pest Control have treated the office and garden for both black and garden ants and hopefully that will be the end of our troubles now. We have had quite a run, haven’t we? You might want to come in and have a peek at our entrance passage into the office. Fr Jaybee had an idea of what he would like, and we’ve cobbled it together with what we all had lying around the office and homes. Happy Priest, happy Parish, right? Leo has brought in his drill, so Father can finish off the last details and I have to say it now has a very nice ambience. Another upside might be, coming face to face with an image of Jesus over and over, could turn me into one of the most saintliest of creatures. Time will tell...... maybe that was one of Father’s ulterior motives. And finally, Vanessa delivered lots and lots of bags of food, from the kids at St Mary MacKillop College for St. Vincent de Paul to distribute to those in need. Together with what other parishioners had dropped off, Bill had quite a haul to pick up. Many thanks to you all.


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